
Go To our website for many more interviews of celebrities, wedding couples, athletes, quirky and interesting people, business owners and more!                 M any will be surprised that I started a magazine-blog. I don’t like to read or write; both are too time consuming. I like to be on the go. However, I do love people. I love learning about them. Their careers, travels, family. There is so much excitement on how the person came to be. I apologize in advance for any grammar or writing errors. (I can hear my daughter in my ear now..."STOP with the run-on sentences") I hope to jot down some interesting and fun snippets of the featured people’s lives and make for an interesting quick read, that’s what I’m all about! If you are old enough to remember Reader's Digest, this is my version. (is that still around?) This magazine will be about interesting people whom I’ve met through my life or people who have come to me with an interesting story. I’ll